Healing is an Integral Part of Okronkronyi Nyame Somafo Yawoh’s Works
Okronkronyi Nyame Somafo Yawoh states that providing healing to the sick and the afflicted is an integral part of the tasks and missions of True Messengers of God. All messengers of God are expected to heal the sick or the afflicted. If any person professes to be a Messenger of God but cannot heal or does not make healing the sick an integral part of his mission or task on this earth, then the person is not a genuine or True Messenger of God. We all bear testimony to the fact that Okronkronyi not only heals the sick, but He is a marvellous healer. He has even earned the following titles, concerning His healing abilities: Faith Healer, Oduryefo Kese, and Ayaresa Wura. (The title “Faith Healer” was conferred on Him by Korle Bu Teaching Hospital).
The Way Okronkronyi Heals Diseases and Other Physical Afflictions
Okronkronyi Nyame Somafo Yawoh’s status as a True Messenger of God is evident in the way He heals the sick and the afflicted. Nyame Somafo Yawoh heals by simply placing his hands on the physically and mentally afflicted. This is the same modus operandi utilized by all of the Messiahs who have arrived on this earth and who preceded Okronkronyi Nyame Somafo Yawoh. According to Okronkronyi Nyame Somafo Yawoh, four Messiahs have been sent onto the earth by the Most High God. These are Moses, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be unto Him), and He, Okronkronyi Nyame Somafo Yawoh. They have all, characteristically, conducted healing by placing their hands on the sick. God has said that the wonders done by His Messengers are of His doing. He works miracles through His Messengers. (Quran 13:38 states: And certainly, We sent messengers before you and gave them wives and children, and it is not in (the power of) an messenger to bring a sign except by Allah’s permission; for every term there is an appointment).
Note that the false pastors in Ghana who are not of God, and who purport to have an ability to heal the sick do so by giving the sick “holy water” to drink, powder, and oils to smear on their bodies, or “holy water” to sprinkle inside and around their living quarters.
Okronkronyi Nyame Somafo Yawoh’s Commands Travel to Effect Change(s) in Distant Places
True Messengers of God have the ability and power to issue commands that travel long distances to go and affect change and bring about results. As a True Messenger of God, Okronkronyi Nyame Somafo Yawoh has demonstrated this action time and again. The power contained in His speech or commands can carry the message to any corner of the earth and effectuate the change so commanded. From any position in Ghana, Okronkronyi Nyame Somafo Yawoh can order an ailment afflicting someone to go away. He can ask life problems and issues afflicting anyone in any part of the world to depart. He can do so because He is an Elijah. The Elijah’s and the Messiahs are endowed with the Holy Spirit. Nyame Somafo Yawoh teaches us that only persons endowed with the Holy Spirit can have their spoken word travel to corners of the earth to effectuate the command so given.
He can Speak About What Goes on in the Heavens Above
The Most High God created two Angel Gabriel. There is a Smaller Gabriel and a Bigger Gabriel. The Messengers of God/Messiahs receive the message about the Heavens from the Smaller Gabriel. The Elijah’s receive their message from the Bigger Gabriel. Nyame Somafo Yawoh teaches that He does not use His will to conduct any business on His own. Nyame Somafo Yawoh’s intimate knowledge of matters relating to the Heavenly Kingdom is evident in His writing of the Tum Nwoma, or the Book of Power. He has shared with His congregation information to the following effect (1) that the Tum Nwoma emerged or came out from Rabbi; (2) 5% of this Book was given to the people of Arabia; 7% of this book was given to the Israelites. About 97% of this Book will be revealed in the Tum Nwoma; (3) Nyame Somafo Yawoh has repeatedly shared information with us about the Elijah’s, Creation, Adam, Satan, and the fall of Satan. He has spoken about how human beings are formed, the human anatomy, how they were created, and the distinction between the soul and the spirit. He has taught us that part of the Lord’s prayer has been corrupted and that repeating that phrase constitutes an insult to the Most High of God.
According to Okronkronyi Nyame Somafo Yawoh, since the departure of Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be unto Him) some 1,500 years ago, no one has written any scriptural text/holy book. So all we have as books are the Torah, and the Quran. Nyame Somafo Yawoh is the only Messenger of God who has emerged to bring the Third Holy Scriptural text which is known as the Tum Nwoma or the Book of Power.
Okronkronyi Nyame Somafo Yawoh’s Works Are Wondrous No
One in the Modern World is Capable of Performing Any of the Wonders That He Performs
- Okronkronyi Nyame Somafo Yawoh was the only person known to have predicted the coming of the coronavirus pandemic, and to tell how the disease would spread, how many variants of the disease there would be, and how and when the disease would end. He said no member of the Asomdwee Ntonton Som would contract the disease and none did.
- He provided Asomdwee Ntonton Som members with one of Rabbi’s names which they could use in exaltation to protect themselves from contracting the virus. And it worked!
- He can cast out evil spirits through the Tum Mpaebo. This is unprecedented! This is the first and only time that a Messenger of God has commanded evil spirits to depart the bodies of humans during a prayer session.
- Okronkronyi Nyame Somafo Yawoh has built the Third Holy
Temple, with the guidance and directions received from the Most High God. He did not use any architects or building designers.
Written by Mensah Adinkrah, Ph.D.
Disclaimer: The author is solely responsible for all errors of omission or commission