The Nature of Spiritual Entities and Their Wings in the
Teachings of Okronkronyi Nyame Somafo Yawoh
Written by Mensah Adinkrah
According to the teachings of Okronkronyi Nyame Somafo Yawoh, the creation of the universe by the Most High God RABBI began with the formation of spiritual entities. The first among these was Etumfo, followed by Esunsum, and then Abofo. These entities, each with unique roles and attributes, form the foundation of the spiritual realm.
A striking feature of all spiritual entities, as explained by Okronkronyi Nyame Somafo Yawoh, is the presence of wings, which are essential for their movement and interaction within the spiritual and physical worlds.
Okronkronyi Nyame Somafo Yawoh emphasizes that these wings are not permanently affixed to the spiritual beings. Instead, they exist as detachable garments that the entities don when they need to fly. Upon completing their journey, the wings are returned to their place. This understanding extends to all spiritual entities, even those commonly referred to in Akan cosmology as Maame Water, or water spirits.
Okronkronyi Nyame Somafo Yawoh’s teachings reveal that wings are not exclusive to benevolent entities. While many may associate winged beings with angels or messengers of divine goodwill, Okronkronyi Nyame Somafo Yawoh cautions against this assumption. Some malevolent spiritual entities also possess wings, which can lead to misinterpretations by those unversed in spiritual discernment. For instance, some Christian pastors or spiritual leaders who encounter a winged being might hastily conclude that they have seen an angel. However, not all winged entities are angels in the true sense of being benevolent or divinely aligned.
This differentiation is vital for understanding the spiritual world. Wings, as described by Okronkronyi Nyame Somafo Yawoh, are not inherently indicative of virtue or divine favor. They serve as a tool or means of mobility, accessible to both good and malevolent spiritual entities. This insight calls for deeper spiritual discernment and an awareness that outward appearances in the spiritual realm can be deceiving.
In conclusion, the teachings of Okronkronyi Nyame Somafo Yawoh shed light on the intricate nature of spiritual entities and their wings. From their creation by RABBI to their functionality and symbolism, wings play a significant role in the spiritual realm. Yet, as Okronkronyi Nyame Somafo Yawoh reminds us, their presence is not a guarantee of benevolence. Discernment and spiritual wisdom are essential for navigating the complexities of the unseen world.